
Your face is the first thing that people see when you meet. Your face can make you feel beautiful, confident, successful, and it can leave a lasting impression on others. You rely on its appearance to aid in recognition, communication, and first impressions of your identity and personality.

The emergence of facial aging signs, such as jowls, flattened cheeks, and sagging skin, are signs that you may be a suitable candidate for a facelift.  Dr. Ramin Behmand performs facelifts to recapture a natural, more youthful appearance from earlier years. Our facelift patients say they see a fresher face post-surgery, and they also regain a great deal of self-confidence.

Facelift Procedure

Also known as a rhytidectomy, the process of the facelift procedure depends largely on your individual features and goals. In general, the incision for a facelift begins within the hairline above each ear and continues around and behind the ear. Dr. Behmand places these incisions in such a way to conceal them by your hairline.

Dr. Behmand has a multi-layer approach to facelifting. During the procedure, he will tighten the loosened facial muscles and the deeper underlying tissues. By doing so, you create a youthful architecture beneath the facial skin. You then smooth the skin over these deeper tissues, providing a long-lasting, more youthful appearance.  These results are superior to traditional skin tightening methods, and have longer lasting results.

Dr. Behmand often combines the facelift operation with other facial procedures to achieve a balanced aesthetic result. The most common of these procedures are a brow lift, facial fat-grafting, eyelid surgery, chin implant, and rhinoplasty. During your initial consultation, together with Dr. Behmand, you will be able to determine if any other aesthetic procedure would be beneficial for you.


Am I ready for a facelift?

A facelift procedure can be performed at any age when indicated. We see patients of all different ages, life stages, and backgrounds. The best way to know if you are truly ready is to come in for a consultation with Dr. Behmand.

Can I combine my facelift with other procedures?

Absolutely! Facelifts are frequently combined with blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), brow lift surgery, facial-fat grafting, rhinoplasty, or chin implant surgery. In some situations, patients may even choose to have certain body procedures done at the same time to optimize their recovery period. You will have the opportunity to discuss your specific concerns with Dr. Behmand during your initial consultation.  He will then discuss with you if you are a suitable candidate for these additional procedures.

What is the typical recovery time for a facelift?

Many patients look and feel like “themselves” about 2–3 weeks after surgery. If you are comfortable enough, you may be able to return to work after 2 weeks, but you will still have physical restrictions for approximately 4–6 weeks after surgery.

Will I have drains?

Dr. Behmand uses small drainage tubes after a facelift surgery to remove any excess fluid. These will be in place for a few days. Their use speeds up healing, and recovery. They are typically removed during your first postoperative visit to our office.

How long does a facelift last? Will I need to do it again in the future?

As with most other surgical procedures, the results of a facelift will last for many years, but will not be permanent. After the reset in time provided by a facelift, natural aging resumes. It is important to take good care of yourself in the years following your facelift to maximize the number of years you will see these positive results. You should use good skincare products and daily sun protection, eat healthy, and take care of yourself physically. In addition to making you feel good, these things will lengthen the life of your facelift.

Will my incisions be visible?

The incisions are behind the ears and in the hairline. The goal is to make sure these incisions are not visible once they heal. Typically, they will be easily concealed by your hair during the healing process.

Recovery from Your Facelift Procedure

facelift-before facelift-after
Before                                   After
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After your procedure, expect to start your recovery at home within a few hours. You may experience some swelling and bruising, which typically subsides in two to three weeks. Following Dr. Behmand’s post-operative instructions is crucial for a speedy healing process. These instructions, given before surgery, include refraining from physical activity for six weeks. Many patients return to work within 2 to 4 weeks, and Dr. Behmand can help plan the appropriate recovery time. For more information on the facelift procedure with Dr. Behmand, contact our office to schedule a consultation today.

“I just wanted to tell you what a wonderful job you did on my face last year… You have MAGIC HANDS. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you did for me.”


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