Breast Reduction

Women who have breasts which are proportionately too large for their bodies may face medical problems as well as aesthetic concerns. Dr. Ramin Behmand can help to relieve some of these issues by performing breast reduction, also known as reduction mammaplasty. This surgery decreases the size of the breasts and makes them more proportional to the rest of the body.

Who Is a Suitable Candidate for Breast Reduction?

As with any other plastic surgery procedure, such as breast augmentation, breast reduction requires careful consideration of your medical history, and aesthetic goals before surgery.

In general, if you experience any of the following symptoms, you may benefit from breast reduction surgery:

Dr. Behmand conducted a large-scale study at the University of Michigan to evaluate the outcomes of breast reduction surgery. The findings of the study confirmed the therapeutic role of breast reduction surgery in alleviation of symptoms associated with disproportionately large breasts and in restoration of normal physical and emotional functioning. The Annals of Plastic Surgery published the results of this study in the year 2000.


Q: What does the incision look like for a breast reduction?

A: The two main types of incisions used can look like either a lollipop or an anchor. The lollipop incision, also known as “vertical breast reduction,” goes around the areola and down the front of the breast. In most patients, this method is the ideal approach. Alternatively, in a breast with greater drooping, Dr. Behmand uses an anchor-like incision. This incision goes around the areola, down the front of the lower part of the breast, and along the crease beneath the breast. Your undergarments, or bathing suit top, easily cover these incisions.

Q: Can my breast reduction be combined with other procedures?

A: Dr. Behmand frequently combines breast reduction surgery with other body procedures. Some patients prefer other procedures done at the same time to optimize the healing and recovery time. Many patients will frequently combine their breast reduction with an abdominoplasty or liposuction. Your medical history, and the expected recovery time, will determine your suitability for combining procedures.

The Breast Reduction Procedure

Since the goal of reduction mammaplasty is to remove excess skin and tissue, more incisions are needed than for other breast surgery, such as augmentation. Dr. Behmand will create an incision that goes around the areola, down the front of the lower part of the breast, and in cases of significantly larger breasts, along the crease beneath the breast. After removing the desired amount of tissue, Dr. Behmand will tighten up and remove any excess skin, reposition the nipple to its new location, lift the breasts, and close the incisions.

As with any surgery, the scars from breast reduction will never go away completely; however, since they are located on the lower areas of the breasts, you will be able to wear various lingerie, swimsuits, or low-cut gowns typically with no scars showing at all.

After the Breast Reduction Procedure

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Before                                                                After
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Immediately after surgery, you will be asked to spend at least one to two weeks recovering in the comfort of your home. During this time, it is important that you rest and minimize your arm movements as much as possible. You will be given post-operative instructions before surgery, and it is crucial that you follow these instructions.

Most patients can return to normal, non-strenuous daily activities after one to two weeks. For more strenuous activities, such as exercise, it is important to wait at least 6 weeks or until given clearance by Dr. Behmand.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Behmand regarding breast reduction, please contact our office today. This procedure is an opportunity to relieve long-standing pain and discomfort, as well as pursue new activities and clothing styles.

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